Chemical & Biological Hazard Monitoring

Occupational hygiene and biological hazard monitoring are science-based management tools to measure the potential for workplace exposures and risk, and to enable you to appropriate and effectively manage your workplace safety.

Business Health Services provides specific, hazard-based occupational health monitoring programs for chemicals, metals, asbestos, silica dusts & fibres, and other biological hazards for a variety of industries – such as boat builders, pharmaceuticals, agriculture & animal health, chemical manufacturers, manufacturing of building materials, engineering, quarries and trucking.

In addition to the above with changing technology, there is now a recognised wide range of health hazards from noise to heat or cold, ergonomic stresses, ionising radiation, microwaves, infectious diseases and psychological stress.

In order to manage the health of employees, tailored health programmes may include occupational hygiene and biological health monitoring – e.g. blood and urine testing – with send away tests to the occupational laboratory. These biomonitoring programmes enable you to measure and detect signs of potential exposure using referenced values. It is about enabling good risk management!  

Our data management includes reporting systems and programs will assist in tracking of data, analysis and alerts for action to minimise your risk. They will enable individual reporting and statistical progress to the business.

Biomonitoring and occupational hygiene management is aimed at health protection, exposure and risk assessment and at. Business Health services we provide   



Full range of biological monitoring including blood and urine testing

HAZOP approach with data tracking of results and trends

MOSHH – management of substances hazardous to health assessments  



From the 1st of December 2017, the new Hazardous Substances Regulations came into force. This requires risk management, training and informing workers about hazardous substances, and documentation of management processes for hazardous substances.  


Call us to schedule an appointment

09 623 8406