Workplace Health & Safety

Workplace health and safety management refers to the process of creating and maintaining a safe and healthy work environment.

This involves identifying and assessing potential health and safety hazards, implementing measures to control those hazards, and regularly reviewing and updating those measures to ensure they remain effective. The goal is to prevent accidents, injuries, and illnesses in the workplace. Effective workplace health and safety management can also improve employee morale and productivity, as well as reduce costs associated with workplace incidents.

How we can help

We can help implement and assess various health and safety measures in your business. These measures can help ensure a safe and healthy work environment for your employees, customers, and anyone else who may enter your establishment. Some of the measures you can implement include:

Health & Safety Policy
Responsibilities & Accountabilities
Staff responsibilities
Policy and procedures
Pre audit assessment for WSMP /Accredited employer status with ACC
Emergency preparedness and procedures
Evacuation procedure
Basic rules for emergencies
Specific precautions, e.g. chemicals, flammable processes
Hazard Identification:
Significant hazards and Control measures and procedures
Hazard Register
HASNO management – Chemical Register
Accident/Incident reporting, recording & investigation:
Legal requirements
Culture and compliance management
Workplace Inspections
Training in Health and safety at:
Training – on going
Skill training – documentation of training
Covers all aspects of health and safety
Protective Clothing & Equipment
Contractors & Public Safety

Call us to schedule an appointment

09 623 8406