Injury & Rehab Management

Return To Work

Nobody wants to be injured or ill to the extent that they can’t perform normal life activities.

When this situation does occur, sometimes help is needed to support and enable a successful return to normal or stay at work programme.

When an employee is injured, everyone’s first concern is ensuring they get immediate treatment – but a very close second is ensuring the best recovery and rehabilitation.

By working alongside the injured or ill person with a skilled occupational health nurse and appropriate team of occupational health professionals – including OTs, physios and workplace doctors – there is a greater success rate for a quick and safe return to normal life activities, including work.

The return to work program involves a proactive and collaborative approach in working with the person and their family, and determining opportunities for safe and productive work activities as soon as it is medically possible.

A robust rehabilitation plan will maximise medical improvement and minimize the impact of injuries or disabilities.

Rehabilitation truly is a win-win when implemented properly.

A return to work program is a simple process that provides a clear timeline and appropriate expertise to ensure all parties are on same track toward a healthy recovery.

Return to work and rehabilitation includes:

Clear expectations, timeline for progress, and reviews.

Assessing and supporting fitness for work capacity assessments.

Instigating back to work programmes with plans and reviews. Includes medical and OT / physio review if required.

Assessment & management of gradual process injuries e.g. OOS, back injuries, dermatitis.

Management and support for complex medical and ACC claims.


Call us to schedule an appointment

09 623 8406